Riding Waves, Saving Oceans: The Connection between Surfing and Ocean Protection

Surfing and ocean protection are deeply connected. When you surf, there is a pulse within you that moves in time with the ocean’s rhythm, syncing up the beating of your heart to the beat of the incoming waves. It stirs up a feeling deep within that tells you so much more about mother nature than you could ever learn from a book. Being in the water brings you to the present moment and frees you from trappings of your own mind. When you’re in the water, it’s as though everything else quickly fades away. You forget about work, about what is stressing you out, about what you think you need to do or buy. It’s this moment that matters, and nothing else. Your focus is the next wave, a chance at gliding swiftly on a wall of moving water, powered by not gas nor electricity, but by the great force of nature itself. Time stops. It’s just you and the ocean. A feeling of complete bliss washes over you and an unstoppable smile spreads wide across your salty face. In this moment you realize what is truly important, and how little you need in order to be truly content in life.

Surfing teaches you about what is really important. It keeps you grounded and brings you back to yourself. It helps to unveil the true self who longs not for things but for the blissful contentedness you feel after riding the sweetest wave. It’s this feeling of freedom that keeps you coming back to surfing, coming back to the ocean. The freedom to let go, to forget about money and consumerism and just focus on achieving a flow state of mind that brings true joy and satisfaction. Surfing is like an anchor to your true self, one that keeps you close to the ocean and calls gently to your heart if you have stayed away too long.

The ocean exerts a great power that reminds you of your place in the world, of how small you really are. It’s not about feeling weak but rather respecting a force that is greater than you. A reverence, an awe, that has the undeniable effect of making you realize how important nature is and reminding you of your place within it. It’s the same feeling you get from standing in the middle of an old growth forest and looking up at the green giants. Or witnessing the explosion of a crumbling blue ice cap. The sense of deep respect you feel in the presence of a powerful animal, or the wonder you feel when running your hands through phytoplankton-infused shores on a moonless night. These experiences have one thing in common – they imbue a sense of wonder and awe at the beauty and majesty of mother nature. You can’t help but feel touched, moved, inspired. You feel the connection between the object of wonder and yourself, a connection that fosters respect and admiration, and above all – a desire to protect it.

It’s natural to want to protect things that we love, children, pets, friends, and family. We care about them and want the best for them, vowing to do them no harm and keep them safe. This is what it’s like for a surfer who feels reverence and deep respect for the ocean. To a surfer, the ocean is family. It’s a sanctuary of peace, a training ground for self-development, an outlet, a canvas for inner expression, a playground, and the world’s biggest nature preserve. A surfer knows that a place so important must be protected.

The awe and respect a surfer feels for the ocean carries forward into every fiber of their being, turning surfing into a way of life both in and out of the water. Every wave ridden presents an opportunity to witness the beauty and fragility of marine ecosystems. Surfers experience the impact of pollution, beach erosion, and climate change firsthand, inspiring them to take action and protect their beloved surf breaks, becoming its advocates and stewards. By participating in beach clean-ups, educational initiatives, and policy advocacy, surfers transform their love for surfing into tangible efforts to protect and restore our coastal areas. Many surfers become advocates for change, using their artistic talents, storytelling abilities, and personal experiences to shed light on the importance of ocean conservation. From photography to filmmaking, surfing serves as a muse for creative expressions that promote environmental awareness and inspire collective action.

Surfrider recognizes the power of the surfing community in driving positive change for our oceans. By merging the passion for riding waves with the urgency to protect marine environments, surfers become ambassadors for sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and coastal preservation. Together, we ride the waves and work hand in hand to safeguard the oceans we love.

Surfers are friends of the ocean. At Surfrider, we believe the ocean needs more friends to ensure its protection and the continuation of its enjoyment for everyone. Are you a friend? Join Surfrider in our mission to protect and conserve our coastal environments. Together, we can make a difference, ensuring that future generations can experience the thrill of surfing and the beauty of our oceans..


Welcome to new Surfrider Pacific Rim Staff, Daniel Raab!


The Ocean Needs More Friends